10 Tips to Improve Public Speaking Skills


Most people express a certain degree of fear regarding public speaking, with only about 10% of people in the United States enjoying it. Public speaking skills are fundamental as they put your career on an upward trajectory. You will have exposure to opportunities that other people may avoid. One of the biggest problems in communication is delivery. Delivery ensures that what you say comes across as dynamic and empathetic towards your listeners.

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Digital Storytelling in the Classroom

“We dream in narrative, daydream in narrative, remember, anticipate, hope, despair, believe, doubt, plan, revise, criticize, construct, gossip, learn, hate and love by narrative.” – Barbara Hardy

We all have stories to tell. Whether they are fact or fiction; we all have a tale to share.
Storytelling is an essential part of learning. In fact, it is the oldest form of education. Continue reading “Digital Storytelling in the Classroom”

Create Your Own Comic Strip Online With PhraseIt

Everybody loves comics. Period. But you know what’s even more funny than reading cartoon comic strips? Creating your own comic strips online! This is why we built PhraseIt, a comic strip maker which makes it super easy to add speech bubbles to photos. PhraseIt is an online comic speech bubble generator that is easy to use and completely free of costs – not even signing up for an account is necessary. Upload your photos, make your own cartoons, share with your friends! It’s that simple!

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